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INT, Inc.
2901 Wilcrest, Suite 100
Houston, TX  77042
Phone:  713-975-7434
Fax:  713-975-1120



The J/CarnacÖ toolkit, based on Java 2DÖ, is written entirely in Java. Lightweight and easy-to-use, J/Carnac extends the rendering capabilities of Sun's Java2D package by adding a powerful and extensive set of 2D modeling, viewing and manipulation objects.

Designed to integrate with the architecture provided by JavaÖ, SwingÖ, and Java 2D, J/Carnac is the perfect solution for graphics intensive applications such as GIS, networking and telecommunications, oil and gas exploration, scientific plotting, medical imaging, financial data display, process control and simulation.


J/Carnac provides programmers with a flexible and extensible architecture to enable rapid development of graphical displays. By alleviating the need to build a graphics system from scratch, J/Carnac allows the developer to concentrate on building the application. As the architecture is based upon a set of core interfaces, programmers can even create their own graphical entities and attributes.

With added support for labeled axes and grid lines, J/Carnac provides objects for automatic annotation of any modeling coordinate space.

Special attention has been paid in order to maximize rendering performance. J/Carnac ensures that only damaged areas of the screen are updated.

J/Carnac allows the programmer to organize data in a manner that best suits the problem by providing a view management system that is based upon layers. Each layer is completely independent and has its own set of graphical objects as well as its own coordinate system. Any layer can overlay other layers. Layers can be added and removed dynamically, giving the application complete control over the display of the data. Layers can even be added for interactive markup and annotation without affecting the underlying graphical objects.

Each graphical object, even new object types implemented by J/Carnac users, can be easily picked and edited. Even when many thousands of objects are added to the graphical world, users can edit and interact with graphical objects.

J/Carnac Architecture

J/Carnac is based upon the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. By separating the Model and the View, J/Carnac allows the programmer to make changes to the Model without affecting the View and vice-versa.


J/Carnac uses the concept of containment to organize its modeling objects. Shapes, which are lightweight objects such as lines, polylines, images etc, are containers of geometry. The rendering properties of a shape, such as color, line thickness, fill style, and font, are contained within the Attribute object.

Layers provide organization to the containment of shapes. Currently, linear list- and quad tree indexed-based layers are implemented with the capability for the programmer to add specialization as required. Scenes act as simple linear containers of layers.

Attribute objects are contained within a Palette in order to optimize allocation of Java 2D resources.


The visual components of J/Carnac's viewing system are all derived from Swing components and therefore present the developer with a familiar set of methods. At the most primitive level, the PlotView component allows the developer to attach a graphical model and a transformation.

The PlotView's function is to turn the component's repaint request into a model based render call. Multiple PlotView can be stacked on top of each other to provide overlay capabilities, and these in turn can be added to a viewport class for optimal scrolling. J/Carnac's higher level viewing components support layout of annotation including axes, grids, titles, etc.

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